Õhupuhasti AF 100
Et kõik saaksid kergesti hingata. Parima õhukvaliteedi tagamiseks igapäevases töös: Kärcheri õhufilter vähendab viiruseid, baktereid, allergeene, peent tolmu ja lõhnu.
Halva õhukvaliteedi tõttu tekivad sageli keskendumisraskused ja ebamugavustunne. Vaipade aurud, õietolm, mikroobid või halb õhukvaliteet pärast pikka koosolekut võivad põhjustada keskendumisvõime puudumist, peavalu, ninakinnisust ja isegi astmahoo. Eriti kannatavad allergikud. Hingake taas kergesti meie õhupuhastiga: kui see on sisse lülitatud, eemaldab Kärcher AF 100 õhupuhasti õhust allergeenid ja kahjulikud ained.
Kärcher AF 100 õhupuhasti kasutuses
Puhas õhk, puhas tulemus
Lihtsalt hinga sügavalt ja tunne end mugavalt: Kärcher AF 100 tagab, et õhk, mida hingad, on puhas ja bakteritevaba kontorites, koosolekuruumides, toitlustusettevõtetes ja kommertsruumides. Too oma ruumidesse värske, puhas õhk meie professionaalse õhupuhastiga. Uusim AF 100 õhupuhasti täidab kõik teie nõudmised.
AF 100 ainulaadne filtrisüsteem elimineerib õhus olevad patogeenid, viirused ja bakterid. Seitsme kohandatud filtri koosmõju tagab, et õhukvaliteet on pidevalt puhas ja kontrollitud.
Meie "High Protect 13 Solution" ja "HEPA 14 Solution" filtrikomplektid tagavad kõrge ohutustaseme, kaitstes õhus levivate nakkusohtlike patogeenide, nagu viiruste ja bakterite eest, mis muidu võivad jääda tilkadesse ja aerosoolidesse õhus ning püsida seal tundide kaupa.
Eeliste ülevaade
- Pidevalt filtreerib saastatud õhku
- Eemaldab bakterid, allergeenid, lõhnad
- Vähendab usaldusväärselt viiruskoormust
- Tugevad mootorid suurte sisealade jaoks
- Kaasaegne ja kompaktne seadme disain
- Vähendab nakkusohtlike mikroobide ja aerosoolide leviku riski
- Paindlikkus tänu liikuvatele rattastele
- Saadaval sertifitseeritud filtrikomplektid
- Vaikne töö ja ei tekita segavat müra tänu madalale helitasemele
Kuidas Kärcheri õhupuhasti töötab
Kärcheri õhupuhastite filtrisüsteemid põhinevad uusimal tehnoloogial. Kasutage meie filtrite mõistlikke eeliseid:
- Laia efektiivsuse valikuga ümbrikfiltrid
- Neli erinevat filtrisisestust
- Bakterid, lõhnad ja allergeenid eemaldatakse põhjalikult
- Optimaalsed tulemused tänu eelfiltrile ja filtrisüsteemile
- Informatiivne filtriseisundi indikaator
Muuda halb õhk minevikuks – kasuta meie professionaalseid õhupuhasteid, et tagada parim õhukvaliteet oma töötajatele või klientidele:
- Vähenda nakkusmäära
- Madalam haiguste leviku risk
- Paranda õhukvaliteeti
- Eemalda lõhnad
- Suurenenud energiatasemed tööajal
Integreeritud intelligentne ekraan näitab ruumis olevat peene tolmu väärtust PM2.5, samuti filtri teenindusiga protsentides. Automaatrežiimis kontrollib masina loogika ventilaatorit vastavalt PM2.5 tasemele ümbritsevas õhus.
Kärcher AF 100 õhupuhasti peamised omadused integreeritud HEPA 14 filtriga
Kasutusvaldkonnad: üks toode – palju erinevaid rakendusi
Olgu see siis kontoris, hotellitubades, koolides, ooteruumides või koosolekuruumides – me tahame igal pool hingata puhast õhku. Kärcheri õhufilter puhastab tõhusalt siseõhku, eemaldades aerosoolid, viirused, allergeenid ja paljusid teisi kahjulikke aineid.
Tööstus- ja kontoriruumid
Clean air in the workplace is a challenge for every company, whether in industry, small or large offices, meeting rooms or breakroom kitchens. Everyone should feel safe in the workplace. The Kärcher AF 100 air purifier reliably cleans the air in enclosed rooms, removing harmful substances and ensuring a high level of safety in the workplace. Thanks to its unique air filter technology, it reduces the aerosol level in the air, helping to reduce the risk of infection.
Haridus- ja avalikud asutused
The Kärcher AF 100 air purifier ensures that the air is clean and germ-free in any institution in the field of education, in sports facilities and administration areas. The Kärcher air filter facilitates the best air quality in a sustained manner, even in fully occupied classrooms or kindergartens. It removes harmful substances from the air, reducing the risk of infection from germs and aerosols.
Hospitality sector
Feeling comfortable is a top priority in the professional hospitality sector. The safety of guests and employees is of paramount importance. The Kärcher AF 100 air purifier reliably removes harmful substances, viruses and bacteria from the air in all communal areas. It ensures the best air quality from the lobby to the corridors, in the gastronomy sector, other communal areas as well as fitness and wellness areas. It filters wherever it is needed. Its award-winning mobile design facilitates flexible and versatile use.
Maintaining clean air is key in highly frequented catering establishments such as restaurants, cafés and canteens. Clean air protects all guests, as well as service staff. A large number of people in a confined space rapidly reduces the air quality, increasing the risk of infection and rapid spread of pathogens through the air. The state-of-the-art Kärcher AF 100 air purifier not only removes aerosols, but also odours from the air in indoor spaces. It can be used in dining areas, as well as in sanitary, bar and kitchen areas.
Medical facilities
The AF 100 air purifier is the ideal solution for professional, hygienic air cleaning in germ-laden areas such as hospitals, medical practices or care homes. Thanks to its flexible design, it can be used in a versatile, mobile manner wherever it is needed, making its deployment both both practical and straightforward. Thanks to its powerful filter system, it reliably ensures that the air is clean and safe for patients and medical personnel.
Service areas
The air quality in enclosed spaces plays a major role in all service areas. The Kärcher AF 100 air purifier is perfect for professional use in maintaining hygiene standards and removing harmful substances from the air. Thanks to its compact, flexible design and powerful filter system, it is ready for use in a variety of locations.
Mis on välja filtreeritud?
Kärcheri õhupuhasti filtreerib patogeene nagu viirused ja bakterid – pikaajaline lahendus, mis suudab teha palju rohkemat kui lihtsalt aerosoolide filtreerimine.
Veelgi enam, meie Kärcheri õhufilter eemaldab õhust ka tolmu, õietolmu, hallitusseente eosed ja muud kahjulikud ühendid. Tänu spetsiaalsele HEPA filtrile puhastab seade usaldusväärselt siseõhku, võimaldades sul taas sügavalt hingata.
Kui tihti tuleb filtrit vahetada?
In automatic mode, the air purifier automatically measures the air quality using a laser sensor and adapts its performance precisely. This ensures consistent air quality and optimal use of the filter. If a filter replacement is required, however, we have made sure that it's as easy as possible: open the side flap, replace the cartridge filter, done!
As a general rule of thumb, the more often a machine is used, the more frequently the in-built filter should be replaced or cleaned in order to ensure reliable efficiency. A tangible decrease in suction power in the air filter is an indication that the filter needs to be changed. Ideally, the HEPA 14 filter should be replaced every three months. In hygiene-sensitive areas, it is recommended to change the filter every month.
Clean or replace the filter?
Consistently high filter strength and regular filter replacement are particularly important for allergy sufferers. A filter gradually loses its effectiveness depending on how it is used and the strain it is placed under – it is then time for it to be replaced. Regular change intervals are the only way to ensure consistently high quality and hygienic cleanliness. Cleaning the HEPA 14 filter with water is not recommended.
You can find out more about our HEPA 14 filters here
HEPA 14 filter: the hygiene solution for clean indoor air
We come into contact with viruses, bacteria, fine dust and allergens every day, which circulate in indoor air in offices, hotels, hospitals, doctor's surgeries, schools, as well as in our houses and apartments, of course. Respiratory ailments are often the long-term consequence.
The Kärcher HEPA 14 filters provide lasting assistance to filter aerosols from the air in enclosed spaces and to remove harmful particles. Built into Kärcher air filtration devices and dry vacuum cleaners, they clean indoor air efficiently and reliably.
The Kärcher Home & Garden air purifiers are perfect for private users in smaller rooms comprising a small area. Whether for indoor spaces such as living rooms and bedrooms, children's bedrooms or workspaces, the compact air purifiers can be used flexibly, ensuring clean and fresh air within your home, free from odours and harmful substances.