Cleaning agricultural machinery and implements
Agricultural machinery and implements are often one of the biggest investments in an agricultural business. This makes regular cleaning all the more important as this helps to maintain the function and value of tractors, power harrows and other similar machinery. This prevents having to fork out for breakdowns and repairs, and improves the condition of the machines and implements.

Concrete reasons for excellent cleanliness
Cleaning is never going to be the main bread winner in agricultural work, particularly during high season. Nevertheless, there are solid reasons for cleaning agricultural machinery and implements regularly.
Maintaining the function and value of agricultural machinery and implements through thorough cleaning
Agricultural machinery and implements are designed to be used consistently and are constantly exposed to the elements, including rough weather, dirt, and dust. Regular cleaning therefore is necessary to prevent deep-seated dirt from damaging the equipment. In addition, damage to any equipment that may be hidden under dirt can be spotted early on and then repaired. This way, it’s possible to significantly reduce maintenance and servicing costs.
Break the chain of infection, and protect groundwater
In addition, cleaning agricultural machinery and implements after use in the field can break the chain of infection so that pests are not carried from one field to the next. Livestock transporters should also be cleaned and disinfected regularly to prevent pathogens from being transmitted between animals. In the case of special agricultural attachments such as sprayers, there are additional legal requirements that must be met to protect groundwater.
Occupational safety and employee protection
Cleaning the inside of a tractor or harvester cab regularly is also important with regards to occupational health. Removing fine dust and dirt particles improves the air quality for employees and prevents damage to electrics and hydraulics. Clean windows also ensure a higher quality of work and a more efficient operation.