Fruit and vegetable cultivation: high quality through comprehensive hygiene
In fruit and vegetable cultivation, dust and dirt are ever present, from harvesting to transport and storage to sale in the farm store. Fruit and vegetable cleaning as well as consistent removal of fine particles across all production steps helps protect employee health and maintain high crop quality.

Fruit and vegetable cultivation: best growing conditions
No matter how crops are grown, the central task in fruit and vegetable cultivation is to create the best possible living conditions for the plants. This is accomplished with thorough cleaning of floors and glass roofs in the greenhouse, right down to the machinery used to work the field.
In the greenhouse, appropriate measures are needed to ensure that light, temperature, and air supply remain constant for the (young) plants in fruit and vegetable cultivation. This includes thorough cleaning and disinfection. After all, not only plants feel at home in the environment of a greenhouse, germs, pests & co. also like the warmth and high humidity. In the field, cleaning equipment such as potato harvesters and diggers can break infection chains so that pests such as wireworm aren’t carried from one field to the next.
Hygiene in fruit and vegetable cultivation: from harvest to consumer
After harvesting, the fruits and vegetables reach the storage and logistics area. Here, the goods are classified according to size and quality and then packed in baskets, transport crates or on pallets. Here, thorough cleaning is also imperative to prevent pests and pathogens from contaminating the fruit and vegetables. To avoid economic damage as well as hygiene and health risks, efficient and high-performance cleaning technology is needed.
The use of chemical substances in fruit and vegetable cultivation, such as the potato sprout inhibitor chlorpropham, is regulated or may not be permitted in some countries. To eliminate residues or comply with limits, it’s necessary to thoroughly and systematically clean of all critical areas, from greenhouses and storage equipment to machinery.
If you own a farm shop, the appearance of the entire farm is crucial. For a good first impression, it’s recommended to maintain the farm’s outdoor and green areas regularly. If customers are on the sales floor, a clean environment is crucial to their sense of well-being.