Industrial production of animal feed
High-quality animal feed should be produced under controlled conditions, while contamination must be reliably kept out. And suctioning vast quantities of dust, be it free-oating, sticky or wet, is a real challenge.

Clean feed for all animals
The manufacture of highquality feed for working animals and pets sets high requirements with regard to cleanliness and hygiene in production.
Large quantities of dust – be they dry, sticky or wet – are released during the production of dry feed. If needed for mobile use, our industrial vacuum cleaners with stainless steel container mean you are well prepared. For example, our stationary dust removal and extraction systems with static dissipative hoses and various nozzles are tried and tested, allowing you to remove vast amounts of dust quickly, even during shift operation. You can also clean silos and tanks hygienically using our modular system solutions configured according to your needs. Our components can be combined as desired: interior cleaning heads, high-pres sure pumps, hot water generators, controls, accessories and cleaning agents.
Online fleet management in real time
With Kärcher Fleet, you have the latest in fleet management technology for cleaning machines and can optimise the efficiency and lifetime of your equipment. Our machines are also compatible with products from other manufacturers.
Healthy working conditions
Due to the often hot and dry air in production areas, your employees must drink regularly. Our configurable WPD water dispensers make five different hygienic, food-grade water types available: still water, ambient or chilled carbonated water, hot or extra hot.