Tracking down system faults
Processes often involve problems that no-one attends to. Data light barriers in storage systems often cause failures even though the solution could be quite simple.
Automatic storage systems use countless wooden pallets. These bring a huge amount of dirt into warehouses, contaminating data light barriers in the process and causing system faults.
Installing a pallet underbody vacuum system before the pallets enter the warehouse solves three problems and ensures everything runs smoothly.
What's changed? Facts and figures
Disregarded details can often cause problems that are initially a mystery. Once the solution is found, a huge amount of time and effort can be saved.
Wood chips or dirt deposits on pallets can interfere with data light barriers.
- This causes malfunctions and results in systems having to be shut down.
- The system can be restarted after manual cleaning has been carried out.
Installation of an automatic pallet vacuum system before the pallets enter the warehouse.
- Fault-free operation of the system without interruptions.
- No manual cleaning by logistics personnel.

Minimisation of downtimes per year Smooth operation is guaranteed, as the light barriers no longer signal a fault.

Increased employee safety - The pallets no longer bring dirt into the warehouse, thereby reducing the risk of slipping.

Less time cleaning - Thorough cleaning of warehouse floors and the manual cleaning of the light barriers are no longer necessary.

Cost savings per year - The minimisation of downtimes and cleaning times results in a fast return on investment.