Gantry car washes
Satisfied customers are your success. Our gantry car washes facilitate economic cleaning, ensure efficient throughput rates and achieve an optimal result – for you and your customers.

CW 1 Klean!Fit
Uncomplicated. Robust. Reliable.
The perfect solution for car dealerships and car rental companies that use the portal car wash mainly for their own service.

CW 3 Klean!Star
Fast. Efficient. Elegant.
The flexible solution that meets the most important requirements of any carwash business.

CW 5 Klean!Star iQ
Intelligent. Precise. WOW.
The impressive solution for operators who want to enhance their customers' washing experience.

eco!efficiency function
The eco!efficiency function for the Klean!Star and Klean!Star iQ enables water, energy and detergent savings of 20% to 30% per wash, with corresponding potential savings in your ongoing operating costs. The variable setting option for the components working in eco!efficiency mode guarantees you efficient operation in accordance with your specification profile.
The savings with average machine equipment and assumed 8000 washes per year is up to 150,000 - 200,000 litres of water, 1,500 - 1,900 kWh of energy and 40 litres of detergents.